
Our long list of active projects share at least one thing in common: a commitment to lifting the lives of others. Whether easing long-standing inequalities in classroom or career, rethinking ways to share information or ensuring our youngest learners get off to a good start, we are doing the work that delivers change.

Active Projects and Grants

Hayes Hall on UB's South Campus.

Learning Sciences Initiative

Focused on integrative learning sciences scholarship, the initiative has an assembled group of prominent faculty in the disciplines of learning sciences, human-computer partnerships, cognitive science and psychology, design and learning environments.

Mandarin Language and Chinese Culture Immersion Project

This initiative offers teachers, students and faculty the chance to study abroad, enhancing their Mandarin language skills and cultural knowledge. By implementing a research-based, integrated culture and language immersion model, participants boost their Mandarin proficiency and deepen their understanding of Chinese culture.  

chinese dragon.

Past Projects