Our long list of active projects share at least one thing in common: a commitment to lifting the lives of others. Whether easing long-standing inequalities in classroom or career, rethinking ways to share information or ensuring our youngest learners get off to a good start, we are doing the work that delivers change.
Brainy Bulls Tutoring Program
Project Total: $15,000
Behavioral Health Workforce: Interprofessional Education and Training in Underserved Integrated Care Settings
Project Total: $1,920,000
PREPaRE School Crisis Program Evaluation
Project Total: $25,000
SPROUTS - Children Ages 6 and 7 Assessments and Close-Out
Project Total: $83,919
Project Total: $243,955
C19: The Impact of Federal COVID-19 Relief Policy on Low-Income Student-Mothers' Educational Choices and Experiences
Project Total: $50,000
New Generation Activists: Black Millennial Caregivers' Experiences with & Resistance Against Neoliberalism & AntiBlackness in Education
Project Total: $50,000
The Role of Institutional Support in Shaping Student-Mothers' Success in Higher Education
Project Total: $126,306
Project Total: $3,000
So, What Happens Now?: The Post-Graduation Transitional Experiences of Undocu/DACAmented Collegians
Project Total: $70,000
Project Total: $493,910
Identifying Opportunities for Retention of BIPOC Librarians Using Survival Analysis
Project Total: $478,044
Precarity and Information Marginalization: Exploring How Academic Casualization Complicates Workplace Information Practices
Project Total: $15,875
Positioning LIS Students for Career Success
Project Total: $5,000
Public Library Support of College Literacy in Appalachia
Project Total: $172,108
Project Total: $20,000,000
BPC-DP: Building Ecosystems of Belonging for Neurodiverse Computer Science Students
Project Total: $293,110
CAREER: Facilitating Autonomy of Robots Through Learning-Based Control
Project Total: $57,108
Project Total: $10,000,000
Citizen Science Teachers: Noyce Residency Scholars Program for Western New York
Project Total: $1,199,545
Collaborative Research: Research: Investigating Jonassen's Design Theory of Problem Solving in Support of Pedagogical Change in Introductory Aerospace Engineering
Project Total: $250,198
Culturelessness as a Conceptual Framework: Cultural Capital and Racialization in Novice Language Teacher Pedagogies
Project Total: $70,000
Designing a Residency-Based CS Teacher Preparation Program with a High School Community
Project Total: $277,284
Dialogic Gesture in Collaborative Sense Making in Physics
Project Total: $497,798
Elementary Teacher Professional Learning of Equitable Engineering Pedagogies for Multilingual Students
Project Total: $374,969
Excavating the Oral Histories of Black World Language Teachers
Project Total: $47,124
Institute in Developing Research and Educational Excellence in Multilingual Education (I-DREEME)
Project Total: $50,4297
Language Wonders of the World: University at Buffalo 2024 STARTALK Chinese Program
Project Total: $137,295
MBK TOC II UB Teacher Residency Scholars
Project Total: $55,100
NYSED Clinically Rich Intensive Teacher Institute - Bilingual Ed & ESOL
Project Total: $81,700
Participating in Literacies and Computer Science: A research-practice partnership to explore new computational literacies
Project Total: $999,998
Professional Learning for NY DOL Residency Pathway
Project Total: $19,500
RAPID: Co-Developing a Community-Based Science Education Curriculum Framework for Disaster Justice and Resilience: A Response to the 2022 Bufflo Blizzard
Project Total: $100,000
RAPID: Exploring an AI Literacies Framework for Young Children: A Delphi Study
Project Total: $199,920
Read STOP Write: Development of a Multicomponent Intervention in Grades 4-5
Project Total: $302,955
"Somos El Sur": Mapping the collective experiences and dreams and of Latinx/Ã teachers across the U.S. South
Project Total: $70,000
STEMcyclists: Black and Brown Youth Transforming STEM via Bikes
Project Total: $1,982,790
"The Impossible is the Least We Can Demand:" Computing and Social Justice
Project Total: $150,000
UBTR SEED: Tiered Professional Learning for Inclusive & Equitable Educator Practice
Project Total: $3,955,337
University at Buffalo Teacher Residency Program
Project Total: $4,073,691
Focused on integrative learning sciences scholarship, the initiative has an assembled group of prominent faculty in the disciplines of learning sciences, human-computer partnerships, cognitive science and psychology, design and learning environments.
This initiative offers teachers, students and faculty the chance to study abroad, enhancing their Mandarin language skills and cultural knowledge. By implementing a research-based, integrated culture and language immersion model, participants boost their Mandarin proficiency and deepen their understanding of Chinese culture.