University at Buffalo

Ryan M. Rish (he/him/his)

Ryan M. Rish

Associate Professor


Specialty/Research Focus

Adolescent Literacies; Placemaking; Spatial Justice; ELA Teacher Education; Ethnography; Critical Digital Media; Young Adult Literature; Youth Identities

Contact Information
568 Baldy Hall
North Campus
Phone: 716-645-4042

Professional Summary:

My research interests involve the literacy practices of adolescents and adults, especially in regard to how those practices relate to the institutions, social spaces, and geographic places in which they are enacted. This research includes investigations within and across classrooms, online spaces, and communities guided by concerns for learning with participants how to make learning opportunities more equitable for marginalized youth and how to engage students with critical considerations of their social worlds and local communities.

Education and Training:
  • PhD, Ohio State University, Adolescent, Post-Secondary, and Community Literacies
  • MEd, Ohio State University, English Education
  • BA, Walsh University, English & Philosophy
Recent Publications:
Journal Article:
  • Schindel, A., Rish, R.M., Ramdath, K.*, Mawer, D.*, Higgins, C.*, & Christiano, M.* (2022). Sustaining relationships through critical place inquiry. Journal of School & Society, 8(2), 37-44.
  • Clark, C., Skrlac Lo, R., Boyd, A., Cook, M., Crawley, A., & Rish, R.M. (2022). New conceptual tools for be(com)ing antiracist literacy (teacher) educators at PWIs. English Teaching: Practice & Critique, 21(4), 364-378.
Book Chapter:
  • Rish, R.M., & Rish, E.M. (2024). Virtual bike racing: Contrastive case studies of embodied gaming. In H. Gerber (Ed.), The literacies of esports ecosystem (pp. 144-163). Boston, MA: Brill | Sense.
Recent Presentations:
Invited Lectures:
  • Rish, R.M. (2023, March). Critical placemaking and digital literacies. Writing Across the Curriculum, SUNY Oneonta.;
  • Boyd, A., Clark, C., Cook, M., Crawley, A., Rish, R.M., & Skrlac Lo, R. (2022, November). Be(com)ing antiracist teacher educators in predominantly white institutions (PWIs): A collaborative, hermeneutic inquiry. National Council of Teachers of English. Anaheim, CA.;
  • Boyd, A., Clark, C., Cook, M., Crawley, A., Rish, R.M., & Skrlac Lo, R. (2022, November). Exploring catalysts for epistemic friction: Antiracist texts, conversations, and teaching at PWIs. Literacy Research Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.;
  • Schindel, A., Rish, R.M., Ramdath, K., & Ormerod, K. (2023, April). Healing relationships with the natural world through critical place inquiry. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Chicago, IL.;
  • Waight, N., Tripp, J., Rish, R.M., Miles, M., Ramdath, K., Robert, S., & Gallivan, S. (2023, April). Biking to uncover science in urban communities: Pre-service Science teachers' critical conscientization of science-community. National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Chicago, IL.;
Recent Grants:
  • STEMcyclists: Black and Brown Youth Transforming STEM via Bikes; Federal; National Science Foundation; Awarded; (01/01/2024-12/31/2026)
  • Becoming Antiracist Educators in Partisan Pandemic Times; Foundation and Research Organization; Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University; Awarded; (08/01/2021-08/01/2023)
  • Citizen Science Teachers: University at Buffalo (UB) Noyce Residency Scholars; Federal; National Science Foundation Noyce Program; Awarded; (07/21/2021-06/30/2026)
  • WNY Environmental Science Collaborative: Strengthening Science Pathways with Historically Underrepresented Youth; Local; Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo (SUNY); Awarded; (04/01/2019-03/31/2020)
  • Students Producing Critical Digital Media: Leveraging Social Media to Address Social Issues; Foundation and Research Organization; Conference on English Education, National Council of Teachers of English; Awarded; (06/08/2016-08/31/2016)
Recent Activities:
Editorial and Review:
  • Editorial Board Member, Research in the Teaching of English
  • Editorial Board Member, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy
Professional Service:
  • Media Literacy Award Selection Committee, NCTE
  • Chair, Early Career Award Committee: Media, Culture, and Learning SIG, AERA
  • Chair, Nominating Committee, English Language Arts Teacher Educators (formerly CEE)

Contact Information

568 Baldy Hall
North Campus
Phone: 716-645-4042