Christina King, PhD, clinical assistant professor of literacy education in the University at Buffalo’s Graduate School of Education, served as an expert on a recent panel that took center stage in Buffalo. The event titled "Hope & Healing" focused on mental wellness in Buffalo’s Black community and was hosted by the Buffalo Federation of Neighborhood Centers in collaboration with Westminster Presbyterian Church.
Before arriving at UB to pursue her PhD, Dawnavyn James taught elementary students in Missouri for seven years. Here, she learned that young students are a lot smarter–and a lot more ready to learn about Black history–than we give them credit for.
UB GSE has launched a free virtual AI + Education Learning Community Series, a new effort to address and navigate artificial intelligence (AI) in education.
Throughout 2023, the University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education was recognized as a premier source of expertise and innovation, leading the conversation on critical issues in education.
A program using bicycles as an innovative way to get kids interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) has received a nearly $2 million National Science Foundation grant to ensure the practice continues.
How can AI increase student success in the classroom without compromising academic integrity? That is the question that the University at Buffalo Graduate School of Education’s faculty had in mind while recently planning and launching Blackstone LaunchPad’s new AI in Education Summer Design Challenge for students.
Award-winning author Carole Boston Weatherford read and discussed her book, “The Roots of Rap: 16 Bars on the Pillars of Hip-Hop,” during a special virtual event held this summer for 90 students from both Parker Academy and First Shiloh STEAM Discovery Camp in Buffalo, N.Y.
UB faculty member was one of 15 gender experts worldwide invited by the United Nations to review and provide feedback on “Gender Equality in a Changing Climate,” a flagship report for UN Women.