Pathways to Certification

  • Initial Track
    The initial-only track is typically a one-year course of study that leads to an advanced certificate from UB and a recommendation for an initial teacher certificate issued by the New York State Education Department.
  • Initial/Professional Track
    The initial/professional track is typically a two-year course of study that leads to an EdM degree from UB and a recommendation for initial and professional teacher certificates issued by the New York State Education Department.
  • Professional Track
    You can receive teacher education from our Department of Learning and Instruction if you are seeking a master’s degree to advance your existing initial teacher certificate to a professional teacher certificate in the same area of certification. The department also provides program options for literacy specialists (birth–grade 6 and grades 5–12). 
  • Teacher Residency Program
    At the Graduate School of Education, we prepare students to be highly-qualified teachers in numerous fields, including high-need certification areas. The UB Teacher Residency is a one-year, paid residency program designed to prepare effective, learner-ready teachers for the Buffalo Public Schools while co-teaching alongside a mentor teacher for an entire school year.
  • Certification Requirements
    In our teacher education program, two tracks are available if you are seeking an initial teacher certificate to begin teaching in public schools in New York State: initial and initial/professional. Options are also available if you are seeking a master's degree to advance your initial certificate to a professional certificate in the same content area. Explore our track options, including certification areas and the related coursework within each.
  • Applying for a Teacher Certificate
    If you have completed the teacher education program at the University at Buffalo, and you are in the process of applying to the New York State Education Department (NYSED) for the issuance of a teacher certificate associated with the completed program, the links and information on this page will be helpful for you.