If you have completed the teacher education program at the University at Buffalo, and you are in the process of applying to the New York State Education Department (NYSED) for the issuance of a teacher certificate associated with the completed program, the links and information on this page will be helpful for you.
If you are applying for a teacher certificate not associated with the completed program, please contact the certification officer of your local Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) or the Office of Teaching Initiatives within NYSED.
The initial-only and initial/professional tracks of the teacher education program lead to a recommendation for an initial teacher certificate to be issued by the New York State Education Department (NYSED).
For information about an application for an initial teacher certificate, please contact the Office of Educator Preparation (716-645-2461; ubedprep@buffalo.edu). Additionally, the instructional packet for the NYSED TEACH system is available below.
The initial/professional and professional-only tracks of the teacher education program lead to a recommendation for a professional teacher certificate to be issued by the New York State Education Department (NYSED).
For information about an application for a professional teacher certificate, please contact the Office of Educator Preparation (716-645-2461; ubedprep@buffalo.edu). Additionally, the instructional packet for the NYSED TEACH system is available below.
The literacy specialist master's degree leads to a recommendation for teacher certification, with the specific certificate type dependent on whether a certificate applicant meets the requirements of the professional teacher certificate (including three years of paid, full-time classroom teaching experience).
For information about an application for a teacher certificate in this area, please contact the Office of Educator Preparation (716-645-2461; ubedprep@buffalo.edu). Additionally, the instructional packets for the NYSED TEACH system are available below.
For information about teacher certification in the area of school librarianship, please contact Mary Jo Sicurella (mjsicure@buffalo.edu) in the Department of Library and Information Studies.