Research Centers, Institutes and Projects

Many of our research centers, institutes and programs are directly engaged in community outreach. We encourage our students and faculty to get involved in the issues that they are passionate about, use their time and talent to help others, and make a positive contribution to society.

  • Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention
    The Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention will reduce bullying abuse in schools and in the community by contributing knowledge and providing evidence-based tools to effectively change the language, attitudes and behaviors of educators, parents, students and society.
  • Center for Literacy and Reading Instruction (CLaRI)
    CLaRI, the Center for Literacy and Reading Instruction has been providing reading services to Western New York since 1963. We are a community resource for the assessment of children’s literacy development and individualized reading instruction, as well as literacy research center.
  • English Language Institute
    The English Language Institute, founded in 1971, offers English language instruction, cultural orientation and academic writing training to international students, scholars and professionals on an intensive and per-course basis.
  • Fisher-Price Endowed Early Childhood Research Center
    The Early Childhood Research Center conducts cutting edge research exploring the development of cognition, language, social/emotional connections, physical skills, and perception in the first few years of life.
  • Gifted Math Program
    The mission of GMP is to challenge able students in the same way that standard school curricula challenge average and above average students. The emphasis is not on the development of professional mathematicians, but rather on providing strong mathematical background for students who may pursue future university work in mathematics, other sciences, or the humanities.