GSE Research Partnership Support Program

GSE Research Partnership Support Program funds are dedicated to providing funds to generate a partnership or collaborative.

Award Amount

Faculty support is available in amounts appropriate for the scope of work proposed ranging up to $1000. Applicants are encouraged to submit competitive projects less than the budget cap, when appropriate.

Scope of Support

Funding may be used for a one-day trip to Washington, D.C., to meet with the program officer, bring in a speaker or consultant, complete training, or pay a consultant for outside review. These examples are meant to be illustrative and nonexclusive—the purpose is to offset expenses that would prevent faculty from developing a partnership or collaborative. Competitive applications will clearly describe how the funding or resources will support the applicant’s formative research collaborative or partnership (e.g., lead to a pilot study; develop a white paper). Faculty salary is not allowed.


All full-time faculty in GSE (tenured, tenure-track, and clinical) may apply.

Proposal Review

The Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Research will review applications. A scoring rubric will be used to rank-order proposals. The scoring criteria will include the following:

  1. Significance (25 points)
  2. Research plan (25 points)
  3. Plan for developing a partnership/collaborative (25 points)
  4. Qualifications of the applicant (25 points)

Award Notification

The ADR will make recommendations to the Dean; the Dean will make award decisions and aim to notify applicants at the subsequent GSE meeting or shortly thereafter. Although the budget with its justification is not a review criterion, the ADR or Dean may recommend modification to the proposed budget.

Proposal Format

All proposals must be in PDF format with single space, 12 point font and 1-inch margins. Proposals should be no longer than one single-spaced page (1-inch margins; 12 point font).

Proposal Requirements

  1. Cover Page: Listing project title, PI, and contact information, and all co-PIs and key personnel with departmental affiliations
  2. Project Narrative: Describe the project’s intellectual merits and potential impacts, and make a strong case why GSE funds are necessary in order to successfully support a partnership, collaborative, and/or move a research agenda forward. The project narrative (one page) should include the following elements:
    • Significance: Ground the proposed project in a body of scholarly literature including pertinent theoretical frameworks. State the project’s objectives and specific research questions. Elaborate the potential for the project to make impact in the academic field, practice, and/or policy.
    • Approach/Plan: Clearly describe the rationale and justification for the use of the funds, the purpose of the funds, how the plan fits with the faculty member’s larger approach to programmatic research, and next steps should the funding be provided (e.g., plan).
    • Applicant Description: (Not included in the 1-page limit.) Include a 2-page biographical sketch for each of key project personnel including PI, co-PIs, and other key project personnel.
  3. Project Budget: Include a separate 1-page line item budget and detailed justification, including a description of other resources or cost-sharing (if available) that will be applied to the project.


Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Level of Research Examples of Activities Funding Cap Page limit
Formative research tasks aimed at developing research questions; establishing research teams and partnerships; facilitating early formative skill development or purchase needed equipment
  • Half-day faculty workgroup/conference
  • Purchase of materials/equipment
  • Focus group/Needs assessment
  • Consultant review of grant
    proposal/grant panel feedback
$500 1-page
plus references, tables, figures
Idea Development
Building specific aims and research procedures; testing out formative research ideas; gathering initial data from participants to establish feasibility of research procedures; gaining necessary training or consultation
  • Consultant payments/Campus
  • Feasibility study
  • Training/Conference
  • Survey/Qualitative Interviews
  • Travel to meet with program officer to discuss grant
$1000 1-page plus references, tables, figures