GSE Grant Fellow Program

GSE Grant Fellow Program funds are dedicated to providing faculty release time to prepare competitive, large grant applications.  These funds support research projects that have the best potential to ultimately result in large (e.g., > $250,000) external research grants.

Award Amount

Faculty support is available in amounts appropriate for the scope of work proposed. Applicants are encouraged to submit competitive projects less than the budget cap, when appropriate. The typical award will be a one-course release for the grant fellow during the semester immediately prior to the grant submission deadline(s) and up to $2,500 in funds to support collection of pilot data, meetings with consultants, and/or travel to meet with program officers. GSE grant fellows are required to meet monthly, or more often if needed, with the GSE Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Research to monitor progress toward grant submission. Note, GSE Dean’s office funds for course release will only be paid upon submission of the grant(s). Departments must front the cost of the award, and reimbursement will occur immediately following submission of the grant.

Scope of Support

Funding may be used for a course release and well-justified expenses related to the preparation of the large grant proposal. Competitive applications will clearly describe how the funding or resources will ensure a more competitive grant application (e.g., to respond to panel reviewer comments; to conduct proof-of-concept pilot testing). Well justified travel costs may be permitted. Faculty salary is not allowed.


All full-time faculty in GSE (tenured, tenure-track, and clinical) may apply. All applications must include a signed letter from the Department Chair providing permission to take a course release during the targeted semester. Only grants that include indirect cost returns are eligible for targeting by GSE Grant Fellows funded by this mechanism. Prior grant fellows are not eligible to re-apply for a subsequent GSE grant fellowship until the reviews are received from the prior submission.

Proposal Review

Faculty members from the GSE will review applications. The associate dean for interdisciplinary research will chair the panel. A scoring rubric will be used to rank-order proposals. The scoring criteria will include the following:

  1. Significance (25 points)
  2. Research plan (25 points)
  3. Plan for applying for external grants (25 points)
  4. Qualifications of the grant fellow (25 points)

Award Notification

The review panel will make recommendations to the Dean; the Dean will make award decisions and aim to notify applicants at the subsequent GSE meeting or shortly thereafter. Although the budget with its justification is not a review criterion, the review panel may recommend modification to the proposed budget. All applicants will receive a summary of the review panel’s numerical review scores and qualitative comments on each proposal’s strength and weakness.

Proposal Format

All proposals must be in PDF format with single space, 12 point font and 1-inch margins. Proposals should be no longer than three single-spaced pages (1-inch margins; 12 point font).

Proposal Requirements

  1. Cover Page: Listing project title, PI, and contact information, and all co-PIs and key personnel with departmental affiliations
  2. Signed Letter from Department Chair: The Department Chair should sign a letter indicating the faculty member has permission to take a course reduction during the targeted semester, should the application receive funding. The letter should also state that the department chair understands that the award funds must be fronted by the individual department, to be reimbursed by the Dean’s office upon submission of the grant application.
  3. 250-word Abstract: Summarizing project objectives, research design, significance, and potential for external funding
  4. Project Narrative: Describe the project’s intellectual merits and potential impacts, and make a strong case why GSE funds are necessary in order to successfully obtain large external grants. The project narrative (three pages) should include the following elements:
    • Significance: Ground the proposed project in a body of scholarly literature, including pertinent theoretical frameworks. State the project’s objectives and specific research questions. Elaborate on the potential for the project to make an impact in the academic field, practice and/or policy.
    • Research Design: Clearly describe the research design, methods for data collection (e.g., measurement instrument) and analysis, and expected outcomes to be framed within the large grant proposal(s). Finally, present a timeline of major activities for the submission of the grant application.
    • Plan for Applying for External Grants: Clearly identify at least one specific external funding opportunity with a certain submission deadline and describe a plan for submitting a proposal before the deadline.
    • Grant Fellow Description: Describe past external grant activity and some reflection on why the fellow candidate has or has not been successful and why this program is well suited to the candidate given the candidate’s current research program. Include a 2-page biographical sketch for each of key project personnel including PI, co-PIs, and other key project personnel.
  5. Project Budget: Include a separate 1-page line item budget and detailed justification, including a description of other resources or cost-sharing (if available) that will be applied to the project.
  6. Summary Statements from Prior Submission, If Applicable: Include summary statements from the granting agency review panel if the project is related to a resubmission. Reviewers will consider the feasibility of the awarding of funds, projected tasks and the feasibility of resubmission.


Deadline is 5 p.m. ET. To ensure equity in the competition, the deadline is firm.

  • May 20 for Grant Fellowship in fall semester
  • Oct. 10 for Grant Fellowship in spring semester