Program Stages and Requirements

It is recommended to insure successful completion of your doctoral program that students consider following the stages outlined below. In addition to considering the suggested stages, all PhD students should obtain and carefully read the most current edition of the Graduate School's Graduate Student Manual: Policies and Procedures for Graduate Students. EdD students should carefully read the most current edition of the Graduate School of Education's EdM and EdD regulations and procedures.

Recommended Timeline for PhD Students

Confer with your assigned major advisor on all of the following.

Stage I: Advanced Graduate Standing

(Completion time: 1 year full time; 2 to 3 years part time)

  1. Meet faculty in your program area
  2. Fill in the Initial Course Plan Statement—make personal copies of all paper work
  3. Fill in Graduate School petition form for (a) any credits that are over 10 years old at student’s admission and for (b) all non-UB transfer credits
  4. Use final course papers as pilot studies and/or examination of issues to probe possible dissertation questions
  5. Register for 18 to 24 credit hours (at least 9 in major courses and 9 in research courses)
  6. Register for, and pass, the Research Analysis Examination
  7. Submit advisor-signed Initial Course Plan Statement to the Doctoral Student Coordinator

Stage II: Doctoral Program Standing

(Completion time: 1 year full time; 2 to 3 years part time)

  1. Read others’ dissertation proposals and dissertations, and attend their defenses
  2. Complete 33 to 36 credit hours of coursework
  3. Complete and defend the research experience component in a public forum
    (Complete the Human Subjects Research tutorial and get IRB approval months in advance)
  4. Complete the research component approval form with two or more graduate faculty, including your advisor. Submit form to the Doctoral Student Coordinator
  5. PhD Students: Submit Graduate School Application to Candidacy form to the Doctoral Studies Committee
    EdD Students: Submit GSE Statement of Program form to the Doctoral Studies Committee
  6. If there are substitutions to courses approved on the initial course plan statement, file the Change in Application to Candidacy from initial course plan statement (page 4) and submit it to the assistant to the chair
  7. Complete dissertation checklist and timeline with your advisor

Stage III: Doctoral Candidacy

(Completion time: 1 to 2 years full time; 2 to 3 years part time)

  1. For students who need full-time status but not 12 credits a semester (or 9 if a GA), file a Certification of Full Time Status form (e.g., GAs, international students, loan deferrals)
  2. Complete and defend dissertation proposal in a public forum and submit Dissertation Proposal approval form with three or more graduate faculty, including your advisor
  3. Complete all courses on the ICPS/ATC
    • PhD: Concentration: 25 credit hours; Research: 21 hours; LAI 645: 6 hours
    • EdD: Major: 16 hours; Research/Measure/Evaluate: 18 hours; Minor: 9 hours; LAI 644: 6 hours; Elective: 3 hours
  4. Complete and defend dissertation in a public forum; dissertation: 10 credit hours
    (Several forms are needed for degree conferral)