Learning and Instruction Current Student Resources

Student Resources

  • Department Webpage
    Our department is devoted to educating teachers and conducting research related to all areas of teaching and learning. We offer an undergraduate minor in education, graduate degrees (at both the master's and doctoral levels), advanced certificates and certification programs for teacher education.
  • Dissertation Checklist and Timeline
    Completing all of the crucial steps to the dissertation process can be complicated. Time and task management will be key to your success. Review the suggested tasks and print out this checklist to assist you in your dissertation journey.
  • Dissertation Proposal Guidelines
    You should establish dissertation proposal expectations in consultation with  your faculty advisors. All dissertation proposals should include the following features. However, you may depart from these guidelines if it helps you more effectively present the problem in your study.
  • Doctoral Program Advisors
    Academic advisors are the means by which the Department and the University supervise a student's education at this advanced level and ensure that the student fulfills academic regulations. An initial advisor is appointed to guide the student in stage 1 of Advanced Graduate Standing (AGS).
  • Doctoral Program Dismissal
    Doctoral students who demonstrate limited academic progress (e.g., GPA < 3.0, excessive number of incomplete grades) will be informed by the Department Chair that their academic progress is considered unsatisfactory. This letter will state that the student has been placed on academic probation, and it will stipulate necessary requirements for removal of the academic probation status.
  • Doctoral Program Stages and Requirements
    It is recommended to insure successful completion of your doctoral program that students consider following the stages outlined below. In addition to considering the suggested stages, all PhD students should obtain and carefully read the most current edition of the Graduate School's Graduate Student Manual: Policies and Procedures for Graduate Students. EdD students should carefully read the most current edition of the Graduate School of Education's EdM and EdD regulations and procedures.
  • Handbooks
    Program handbooks have been developed to assist students throughout their academic experience. These handbooks do not constitute the whole of the University at Buffalo or the Graduate School of Education policies concerning students. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of and comply with all policies, procedures and deadlines.
  • Policies and Procedures
    All students enrolled in the Graduate School of Education are governed by school and university policies and procedures. Understanding these policies and procedures is crucial to your success as a student.
  • Resource Links for Doctoral Students
    These links connect you to internal and external webpages and files, including information on research, funding sources, proposals, publications, jobs and more.