Information Science Current Student Resources

Students studying in library.

Student Resources

  • Forms for Information Science Students
    Forms for current information science students, including plan of study, independent study, practicum and thesis.
  • Handbooks
    Program handbooks have been developed to assist students throughout their academic experience. These handbooks do not constitute the whole of the University at Buffalo or the Graduate School of Education policies concerning students. It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of and comply with all policies, procedures and deadlines.
  • Academic Advising Policy
    A student's program of study is a large investment of time and energy. Good advising ensures that this investment is spent wisely by having students reflect on how they can best match their talents and interests to career objectives and select courses that support these career objectives.
  • Associations
    Explore information about national associations and local student groups.
  • Department Webpage
    Our department offers an undergraduate minor in information studies, master's degrees in information and library science and in school librarianship, as well as an advanced certificate designed for master's degree graduates in information and library science who wish to upgrade their competencies or change career directions.
  • Graduation Checklist
    This checklist helps all information science master's candidates prepare for degree conferral.
  • New Student Checklists
    Welcome all new students who have been offered admission to a program within the Department of Information Science. As a newly admitted student, you should use our checklist and roadmap as introductions to your first semester.
  • Policies and Procedures
    All students enrolled in the Graduate School of Education are governed by school and university policies and procedures. Understanding these policies and procedures is crucial to your success as a student.
  • Portfolio Requirement
    The study planner and portfolio serves as a tool for planning the student’s program of study and, upon completion of the program, demonstrates the meeting of program learning objectives as well as the student’s educational and professional goals.
  • Travel Funding
    We are committed to empowering our students to expand their academic and professional horizons. Travel funding provides opportunities to help offset the costs of attending conferences, workshops and other educational events.