Travel Funding

We are committed to empowering our students to expand their academic and professional horizons. Travel funding provides opportunities to help offset the costs of attending conferences, workshops and other educational events.  

Graduate Student Association and Library and Information Studies Graduate Student Association Conference Funding

The Graduate Student Association of UB (GSA) and the LIS-GSA provide a limited amount of funds to assist graduate students in presenting and attending research work at conferences.

Department of Library & Information Studies Conference Funding

In addition to GSA and LIS-GSA conference funding, the Department of Library and Information Studies is pleased to support MS in Information and Library Science, MS in School Librarianship, or Advanced Certificate students who require funds to present papers or posters at professional or scholarly conferences.

All enrolled graduate students in LIS, including those enrolled partly or fully online, are eligible and encouraged to apply for conference funding during the time they are registered as graduate students in the Department. To learn more and to apply, please refer to the LIS Travel Support Policy and Application.