The K-2 Let’s Move project, a study led by GSE researchers, examines the effects of yoga on self-regulation and motor skills among K-2 children with developmental disabilities.
GSE's Teacher Residency Program, a nationwide model for addressing the country’s K-12 teacher shortage, has been awarded $3.5 million to expand its reach in WNY.
The Associated Press quoted Amanda Nickerson in a report on the fallout of a shooting at Richneck Elementary School in which a first-grade teacher was shot by a 6-year-old student.
The National Science Foundation-funded effort will address the nationwide shortage of speech-language pathologists, ensure at-risk children receive assistance.
Driven by a commitment to remove barriers for exceptional students, UB GSE will offer new funding opportunities of up to $38,000 for full-time, on-campus PhD students beginning in the 2023-24 academic year.