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Researching Race Series

The Researching Race Series is professional development for academics and autodidacts interested in learning about race, racism and research. Sessions will include topics ranging from theoretical frameworks and framing, methodologies, epistemological and ontological positioning, subject selection, writing, dissertation, and research.

April 25, 2023

Presentation Abstract

Storytelling is an essential component of Black existence, a component so integral to life that many African nations had their own storytellers, or griots, who acted as teachers, genealogists, historians, and praise-singers. Griots were responsible for cultivating their verbal artistry, but they were also in charge of completing various tasks that fostered intergenerational connections and encouraged the remembrance of people’s histories, communities, and homelands. By ensuring people’s stories were never forgotten, griots engaged in sacred work. Still, even though Black people have historically used stories in data collection, data analysis, and data representation, the field of qualitative research has collectively failed to (re)member this history and chosen to keep this sacred practice from forefront of academia. Considering the neglect of story in academic spaces, Toliver’s interactive centers Endarkened Storywork, a method that hinges on Black storytelling traditions and honors alternative ways of thinking about, doing, and writing academic scholarship.

Virtual Presentation
April 25, 2023 | 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Dr. Stephanie Toliver
University of Colorado
Session: Black Storytelling from Margin to Center: Dreaming Through Endarkened Storywork

2023 Researching Race Series

Check back regularly for 2023 events to be posted soon.

Past Sessions


Promotional graphic for Researching Race series featuring Dr. Stephanie Toliver.


Dr. Nichole Garcia, Assistant Professor of Higher Education from Rutgers University will present "QuantCrit: An Antiracist Approach to Educational Inquiry" as part of the Researching Race lecture series offered by the University at Buffalo's Center for K-12 Black History and Racial Literacy Education.

Virtual Presentation
November 3, 2022

Dr. Nichole Carcia
Rutgers University
Session: QuantCrit: An Antiracist Approach to Educational Inquiry

Virtual Presentation
March 15, 2022

Dr. Ramon Goings
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Session: The Reality of Researching Race in Your Dissertation: Strategies for Success and Keeping Your Sanity

See our events page to view our full calendar list.


Bronze Sponsor

Wayne State University Press logo.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, African Studies Center