Tasha Austin was awarded a prestigious Spencer Foundation Small Research Grant in the amount of $47,124. Beginning in February 2024, the two-year project will allow Austin to continue researching the intersection of Blackness and bi/multilingualism for professionals who have become world language (WL) teachers.
A grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will assist the Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention in continuing to build youth resiliency and implement bystander intervention training.
GSE recognized that school districts across the state were seeking support implementing K-12 computer science coursework and in finding certified teachers, in response to public desire to see these skills formally taught, as well as a state mandate that schools offer computer science. New York State has also begun to mandate that teachers of computer science courses be certified in New York’s K-12 Computer Science.
Margaret Sallee conducts pioneering research focusing on how the culture of universities influences lives and how identities operate within higher education.
The Associated Press quoted Amanda Nickerson in a report on the fallout of a shooting at Richneck Elementary School in which a first-grade teacher was shot by a 6-year-old student.
The National Science Foundation-funded effort will address the nationwide shortage of speech-language pathologists, ensure at-risk children receive assistance.
Driven by a commitment to remove barriers for exceptional students, UB GSE will offer new funding opportunities of up to $38,000 for full-time, on-campus PhD students beginning in the 2023-24 academic year.