Become one of the millions of students learning online in the U.S. by enrolling in one of the many online programs at the University at Buffalo, a top rated research university dedicated to academic excellence.
UB is the premier public research university in the northeastern United States and the largest and most comprehensive campus in the 64-campus SUNY system. We’re an established leader and are consistently recognized by top university guides and publications for our excellent value and high-quality academics.
The prestigious U.S. News and World Report has ranked the University at Buffalo’s Graduate School of Education fifteenth in online graduate education programs. This ranking reflects the fact that UB is:
Our online programs attract students from all over the world who seek collaborative experiences with our full-time research faculty, seasoned practitioners and, equally important, each other. Your experience begins here, but will extend beyond the classroom through a network of professionals and the rich interactive possibilities built into our flexible programs.
The tuition savings for online programs at the University at Buffalo brings affordability and convenience to a new level. SUNY recently announced a 41.3% savings on the tuition rate for the 2017-18 academic year for non-New York State residents enrolled in fully online graduate programs and coursework.