John Slaughter


John Slaughter.

John Slaughter


John Slaughter


Research Interests

Unequal Dispensation of Exclusionary School Discipline; Intersection of Race and Gender

Summary Faculty Mentor
Sunha Kim

Sunha Kim

Associate Professor
Counseling, School And Educational Psychology

Associate Professor
Learning And Instruction

423 Baldy Hall North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260

Phone: 716-645-1127


Research Areas: Access and Equity; Achievement; Assessment; Big Data; Curriculum and Instruction; Design and Analysis of Longitudinal Research; Design Experiments; Digital Innovations; Digital Media and Learning; Diversity; Educational Policy; Evaluation; Gamification; Immigrant Issues; Large-Scale Assessment and Research; Mathematics Education; Online and Distance Learning; Professional / Staff Development; Psychometrics; Quantitative Research Methods; Race, Inequality, and Education; Research Design; Research Methods; School and District Reform; Statistical Methods and Applications in Statistical Issues