Dean’s Lecture Series Archive: 2023–24

2023–24 Theme — A Just Society: Equity, Belonging and Community

GSE is committed to creating an equitable, diverse, inclusive and just community where all feel welcomed, included, supported and empowered. It is crucial our communities have equal access to supports, services and opportunities that ensure learning and success.

Invited speakers were selected by a committee of junior faculty who also picked the theme. Their topics reflect a range of perspectives on the theme, representing the various departments within GSE.

Terah J. Stewart.

TJ Stewart
Assistant Professor
Iowa State University School of Education

“Examining the Margins of the Margins: An Imperative for a Just Society”

In this presentation, Dr. Stewart will present a closer examination of the concepts of the margins, marginality, and mattering and will underscore attending to certain populations and how and why it is important to consider these populations and ideas as justice issues. He will share multimodal examples of his research, including creative non-fiction and photovoice research, particularly in the postsecondary contexts, focusing on college students engaged in erotic labor and fat-bodied students on campus. Considerations for additional stigmatized populations and ideas in research, policy, and practice will be explored as he traces the boundaries of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” to ask the question: Who and what is still missing in DEI? And why?

Dr. Beth Patin.

Beth Patin, PhD, MIS, MLIS
Assistant Professor
Syracuse University School of Information Studies

“Nurturing Knowledge: Ending Epistemicide, Transforming Education, Strengthening Communities”

This presentation delves into the intersection between epistemology, education and community-building. It explores the urgent need to address epistemicide—the devaluing, silencing, killing or annihilation of knowledge or ways of knowing—as a barrier to achieving equitable and inclusive education. This discussion will examine the manifestations of epistemicide across various contexts and its consequences, including the perpetuation of inequality and erasure of diverse worldviews. It will highlight innovative pedagogical approaches that empower learners to engage critically with multiple knowledge systems, fostering cultural humility and cultural responsiveness. Furthermore, we will explore the role of information, libraries and technology in democratizing knowledge access. Ultimately, this talk calls for a collaborative effort to recognize and rectify epistemicide's impact on information, education and communities. By embracing diversity in knowledge and actively working to safeguard marginalized epistemologies, we can create more inclusive, resilient and equitable societies.