Keep up-to-date on research, news, events and happenings at the University at Buffalo's Graduate School of Education.
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Lead Story: A model for mentorship: GSE scholars co-author publication on faculty-student mentoring relationships
March Highlights: Stephen Santa-Ramirez and Anthony Vargas’ groundbreaking research. GSE faculty in the news. The Johnstone Lecture Series.
Lead Story: GSE researcher Brittany Jones’ anti-racism research earns national acclaim
February Highlights: Brittany Jones. Celebrating Black History. Abigail Henry. Dean's Lecture Series.
Lead Story: 2024 Unwrapped
December Highlights: Faculty in the news. First generation celebration. Religion in public schools. ILS speaker series.
Lead Story: UB researcher secures two grants to explore language development
October Highlights: Federica Bulgarelli. Banned Books Week. Wil Green. Alberti Center Annual Conference.
Lead Story: Schomburg fellow authors' book on ‘healing while studying’
September Highlights: Richard Williams. Cell-phone bans. GSE kicks off the new school year. Alberti Colloquium.
Lead Story: UB GSE scholar awarded $493K grant for equity research
August Highlights: Africa Hands. Teaching Black History Conference. Catherine Cook-Cottone. Teaching Black History Conference. Ai + Education.
Lead Story: GSE scholar receives funding to help teachers educate multilingual students in engineering
June Highlights: Mary McVee. Commencement. Sarah A. Robert. Teaching Black History Conference.
Lead Story: Law to leadership: The journey of an aspiring lawyer who found their place in educational leadership instead
May Highlights: Jules Orcutt. Where to take Commencement photos. Amanda Nickerson. ISLS Conference.
Lead Story: UB researcher receives grant to study oral histories of Black world language teachers
April Highlights: Tasha Austin. AERA Conference. Noemi Waight. Bobinski Lecture.
Lead Story: Homeland security grant supports bystander intervention training
March Highlights: Bystander training. We're GSE students. Wil Green on WBFO. Student Research Symposium.
Lead Story: GSE faculty featured in the media for expertise, events and research
December Highlights: Faculty in the media. Feeling thankful. Brittany Jones in Education Week. “Beyond February.”
Lead Story: GSE researcher's new book empowers scholar-practitioners
October Highlights: GSE researcher’s new book. Teach-In. Paris Wicker in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Dean's Lecture.
Lead Story: GSE scholar tapped by UN Women to review report on gender equality, climate justice
September Highlights: UN Women review. Ice Cream Social. Stephen Santa-Ramirez on KCBS Radio: On-Demand. Alberti Conference.
Lead Story: Two GSE students awarded Western New York Prosperity Fellowships
August Highlights: Prosperity Fellowships. LaGarrett King in the Guardian. Julie Gorlewski in USA Today. Addressing Teaching Shortages Webinar.
Lead Story: GSE’s STEMcyclists camp transforms STEM learning
July Highlights: Transformative STEM learning. Africa Hands in Library Journal. Xiufeng Liu, SUNY Distinguished Professor. Teaching Black History Conference.
Lead Story: GSE Student Research Symposium celebrates 30 years of innovative student scholarship
June Highlights: Innovative student research. Teaching Black History Conference. Commencement wishes. Fulbright scholars.
Lead Story: From theory to practice: GSE doctoral student affirms Black women through research, mentorship
May Highlights: Graduating PhD student Dina Skeffrey. Celebrating excellence in doctoral research. Highlighting the best commencement photo ops.
Lead Story: A tireless commitment to research: GSE scholar leads, provides expertise on seven UB grants
April Highlights: Racial literacy and mental health lecture. Dissertation celebration. Historic UB hiring push.
Lead Story: GSE alumna Heather Jenkins secures $10 million gift for nonprofit from Mackenzie Scott.
March Highlights: Impactful literacy instruction. Bobinski Lecture Series. Geese on campus. Black history for kindergarteners.