
Speaker Series

March 14, 2025

“I think it’s pretty helpful, but it kind of does a lot more hurt than good”: How youth wrestle with generative AI’s possibilities and harms

Location: Lockwood 205
Time: 12 to 1:15 p.m. Lunch will be provided at 12 p.m. Session begins at 12:15 p.m.   

Charles Logan, PhD.

Charles Logan, is a PhD candidate in the learning sciences program at Northwestern University.

Talk Abstract: As teachers, school administrators and policymakers debate how, if at all, to use generative artificial intelligence platforms like Open AI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini in education, there is wide agreement that young people should learn about AI. In this session, Logan will share findings from a six-week summer program for high school students that explored the ethics of AI in education, police surveillance and social media. His study focuses on an hour-long discussion that features students confronting and contemplating AI’s often obscured ecologies, from the grueling labor required to produce popular tools like ChatGPT to the environmental costs of training and maintaining generative AI. Drawing on a theoretical framework that positions youth as “philosophers of technology,” Logan examines what critical analyses of generative AI the youth constructed, and how conducting this sensemaking about the technology supported youth in describing hopeful and harmful relations between themselves, the technology, other people, and the planet. His findings suggest the importance of expanding the ethical terrain young people traverse when considering what place generative AI may–and may not–have in our collective present and future.