Make Good Trouble A Teach-In Focused on Equity.

“Make Good Trouble” Now: Teach-In for Racial Equity (2020)

The Graduate School of Education recognizes that it cannot make good on its mission and vision or on its commitment to equity, diversity, justice, and inclusion without ensuring that all faculty, staff, and students have a more fundamental understanding of the factors that have led to the countless murders of Black people. Key to understanding the systematic violence against Black people, is understanding the role that education has played and continues to play in perpetuating these systems of oppression. Change is both an individual and collective responsibility. As an institution of higher education, we continue this work through the radical act of teaching and learning.

Keynote Take Aways

Share Your Thoughts

Evaluation and Reflection Survey

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What is a Teach-In?

Event Details

Thursday, Sept. 3 and Friday, Sept. 4:

  • All classes, instruction and professional services will pause at the Graduate School of Education to allow for focused participation.
  • Attendance of GSE faculty, staff and students is required.
  • Community partners, alumni and friends are welcome to register and participate for public sessions as noted.  

Share your thoughts! What did you learn? What will you do with your new knowledge?

 Access Our Take Away Survey Now

Featured Keynote Speakers

Dr. Bettina Love.

Dr. Bettina L. Love

Title of Talk

We Gon’ Be Alright, But That Ain’t Alright: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom

Open to:

UB/GSE faculty, staff and students only.

Dr. Bettina L. Love is an award-winning author and the Athletic Association Endowed Professor at the University of Georgia. She is one of the field's most esteemed educational researchers. Her writing, research, teaching, and activism meet at the intersection of race, education, abolition, and Black joy.

Dr. Carlton Green.

Dr. Carlton Green


Racial Trauma & Truth-telling: Canceling the Culture of  Nice in Education

For more than 25 years, Dr. Carlton Green has held various roles in higher education settings. More specifically, he has worked in student activities, multicultural services, residence life, academic affairs, athletics, and counseling services in both public and private institutions.

Dr. Gloria D. Campbell-Whatley.

Dr. Gloria D. Campbell-Whatley


Infusing Diversity and Inclusion into the Classroom

Dr. Gloria D. Campbell-Whatley is a Professor in the Department of Special Education and Child Development at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her specialty and research focus is infusing diversity into higher education and K–12 curriculum, social skills, multiple tiered support systems and administration.

Dr. Ali Michael.

Dr. Ali Michael


What White People Need to Know About Race

Ali Michael, PhD, is the co-founder and director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators, and the author of Raising Race Questions: Whiteness, Inquiry and Education (Teachers College Press, 2015), winner of the 2017 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award.

Dr. Jamie Washington.

Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington


Now Let’s Get to Work! Eradicating Systemic Oppression

Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington, (pronouns: he/him/his) is the President & Founder of the Washington Consulting Group (WCG). WCG was named by the Economist as one of the Top 10 Global Diversity Consultants in the world. Dr. Washington has served as an educator, administrator, and consultant in higher education for over 36 years. He serves as an invited instructor in the Harvard Graduate School of Education and the Lancaster Theological Seminary. He is the President and Co-Founder of the Social Justice Training Institute and a Past President of the American College Personnel Association (ACPA).

Portrait of Suzanne Rosenblith.
Portrait of Raechele Pope.

Suzanne Rosenblith

Dean and Professor

Raechele Pope

Associate Dean, Faculty and Student Affairs and Chief Diversity Officer


Town Hall and Closing Session

Dr. Rosenblith and Dr. Pope will discuss themes and topics presented over the two-day Teach In and answer questions submitted by the GSE community.

Concurrent Sessions

Concurrent Sessions

Thursday, Sept. 3, 2020
9:00–9:15 Welcome and Introductions

Dr. Bettina Love

We Gon’ Be Alright, But That Ain’t Alright: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom

10:45–11:00  BREAK
11:00–12:00  Concurrent Sessions
12:00–1:00 LUNCH BREAK

Dr. Carlton Green

Racial Trauma & Truth-telling: Canceling the Culture of Nice in Education

2:30–2:45 BREAK
2:45–3:45 Concurrent Sessions
3:45–4:00 BREAK

Dr. Gloria Campbell-Whatley

Infusing Diversity and Inclusion into the Classroom

Friday, Sept. 4, 2020

Dr. Ali Michael

What White People Need to Know About Race

10:30–10:45 BREAK
10:45–11:45 Concurrent Sessions
11:45–1:00 LUNCH BREAK

Dr. Jamie Washington

Now Let’s Get to Work! Eradicating Systemic Oppression

2:30–2:45 BREAK
2:45–3:45 Town Hall & Closing Session

Please contact Amber Winters, Assistant Dean for Communications and Marketing

716-645-4590 |