Self-Compassion and Purpose

Lavendar fields.

The practice of self-compassion allows an individual to maintain a growth mindset in the face of struggle and failure (Cook-Cottone 2015b; Neff 2011) and may play a role in self-regulation (Iskender and Akin 2011; Van Vliet and Kalnins 2011; Vettese et al. 2011)... Further, a sense of purpose or mission may function like a spiritual, long-term goal (Cook-Cottone 2015b; Norcross and Guy 2007; Sayrs 2012). That is, purpose can be a source of strength and meaning during the difficult and challenging times, giving an individual a reason to pick him or herself up by the proverbial bootstraps and persevere (Norcross and Guy 2007).


This scale is about what we do when things get hard.


  • I kindly acknowledged my own challenges and difficulties
  • I engaged in supportive and comforting self-talk (e.g., “My effort is valuable and meaningful”)
  • I reminded myself that failure and challenge are part of the human experience
  • I gave myself permission to feel my feelings (e.g., allowed myself to cry)


  • Research has found that self-compassion is a significant predictor of overall mental health. Specifically, higher levels of self-compassion have been associated with greater life satisfaction, social connectedness, happiness, optimism, positive affect, and general well-being, as well as increased health-promoting behaviors.
  • Additionally, higher levels of self-compassion have also been associated with lower levels of self-criticism, depression, anxiety, fear of failure, perfectionism, and disordered eating behaviors.

Specific Guidance:

  • Suggestions for promoting self-compassion include:
    • Engaging in positive, supportive self-talk
    • Allowing yourself to feel your feelings
    • Listening to self-compassion meditations






  • I experienced meaning and/or a larger purpose in my work/school life (e.g., for a cause)
  • I experienced meaning and/or a larger purpose in my private/personal life (e.g., for a cause)


  • Research has found meaning in life to be negatively associated with perceived stress.
  • Additionally, research has indicated that having a sense of purpose in life is associated with an increased likelihood of practicing behaviors that have positive effects on one’s health.

Specific Guidance:

  • Suggestions for promoting purpose include:
    • Volunteering and being of service to other
    • Identifying, and living in line with, your value
    • Prioritizing activities that give you a sense of purpose



  • Hooker, S. A., Masters, K. S., & Park, C. L. (2018). A meaningful life is a healthy life: A conceptual model linking meaning and meaning salience to health. Review of General Psychology, 22 (1), 11-24.