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Department News

  • Student research symposium addresses social justice and diversity issues
    Students in the Graduate School of Education held their annual research symposium to address research and practice that is contributing to the field of multiculturalism. This event is completely organized by students from the departments of Counseling, School and Educational Psychology (CSEP); Educational Leadership and Policy (ELP); Information Science; and Learning and Instruction (LAI). The title of this year’s symposium was “United We Stand, Divided We Fall: Centering Diversity and Social Justice in our Research Field and Practice.”  
  • Learning in public library ‘makerspace’
    Sam Abramovich, assistant professor from the Department of Learning and Instruction and the Department of Library and Information Studies, in collaboration with the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, has been awarded a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to develop reliable and valid ways to measure the learning and associated benefits of Makerspaces in libraries.
  • UB is developing a new data science librarian training program, thanks to NLM grant

    Goal is to improve the employability of librarians in the 21st century by developing skills working with big data.

  • Reducing bully abuse against individuals with disabilities
    Amanda Nickerson, director of the Alberti Center for Bullying Abuse Prevention, and professor from the Department of Counseling, School and Educational Psychology, and Dan Albertson, associate professor from the Department of Library and Information Studies, have been awarded $175,000 from the New York State (NYS) Developmental Disabilities Planning Council (DDPC) for their collaborative research project, “Multimedia and Peer-to-Peer Prevention Support.”

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