Bullying can happen anywhere at any age.
If you have done everything you can to resolve the situation and nothing has worked, or someone is in immediate danger, there are ways to get help.
University Police
UB Student Conduct
UB Dean of Students Office
UB Counseling Services
UB Employee Assistance Program
UB Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
BestSelf Behavioral Health
Provides professional counseling and treatment services for parents, children, families and adolescents.
Catholic Charities
Provides emergency assistance, counseling, behavioral health, youth education and other services.
Child & Family Services
Provides counseling, community-based services, work-life support, education, mediation and prevention for children, families and individuals.
Crisis Services Hotline
24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 716-834-3131
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988
Kids' Help Line: 716-834-1144 and 1-877-KIDS-400
Over-the-phone language interpreters available 24/7
Erie County Council for the Prevention of Alcohol & Substance Abuse (ECCPASA)
Provides education, programs and services for individuals and families on the prevention and intervention of alcohol and substance abuse.
Erie Path
Smartphone app that helps parents and caregivers in Erie County address the mental and behavioral health challenges faced by children and adolescents.
Every Person Influences Children (EPIC)
Provides parents, teachers and other educators with resources and programming on parent support, family literacy, character development in children, creating home-school partnerships and family engagement in education.
Family Help Center
Links residents with human service organizations and community resources to improve student achievement and behavior at school by identifying strengths and resources in families and school, and focusing them toward a common goal.
Growing LGBTQ+ Youth Support (GLYS) Western New York, Inc.
Offers a variety of opportunities, resources & services for LGBTQ+ youth and their friends, ages 5-21.
Legal Services for the Elderly, Disabled or Disadvantaged of W.N.Y.
Free civil legal services, primarily to individuals age sixty and over as defined by the federal Older Americans Act, but also to younger disabled and low-income individuals.
Mental Health Adocates of Western New York
Teen Chat Line - MHA's Youth Peer Advocates (YPA) operate this anonymous and confidential warmline to provide peer support for young people dealing with emotional concerns or stress in non-crisis situations. Connect with a YPA Monday through Friday from 2 PM to 8 PM.
Just Tell One - primarily focused on youth who are facing mental health or addiction issues.
Mental Health Association of Erie County
under 18: 716-882-4357
Text MHA to 741-741
Provides support and advocacy for individuals and families living with mental illness.
National Federation for Just Communities of Western New York, Inc.
Provides programs for businesses, organizations, schools and student groups that promote understanding and respect and counseling services for individuals and families.
Prevention Focus/Teen Focus
Provides quality programs and strategies proven to address problem behaviors and promote healthy choices for parents and children grades K–12.
Spectrum Health & Human Services CARES (Crisis and Re-Stabilization Emergency Services): crisis hotline and emergency response for individuals under the age of 18 in Erie County
Spectrum Cares – shswny.org/services/cares
24/7 help: 716.710.5172
Abuse reporting and privacy pages for major social networking sites and online providers
National Center for Missing & Exploited Childrens' reporting system for the online exploitation of children
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline | 988 Lifeline En Español
Dial 988
LGBTQ Youth Suicide Hotline
Text START to 678-678
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Find a mental health services provider near you.
U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights
Enforces several federal civil rights laws and assists in resolving complaints of discrimination.
U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
Enforces federal laws that protect students from harassment and discrimination and accept complaints of potential violations.