GSE is committed to creating an equitable, diverse, just and inclusive community of faculty, students, staff and administrators where all feel welcomed, included, supported, empowered and have equal access to supports, services and opportunities that ensure learning and success.
The reality is that to truly create this environment – to make it more than an aspirational goal – individually, we will each have to invest the time, attention and effort needed to prioritize these efforts. This also requires that we work together in collaborative and effective ways. In the spirit of shared responsibility, we encourage each department, each unit, student group and each individual to do your part.
Whether we are in a school-wide event, a large class or small seminar, a faculty or staff meeting, walking from one office to another, or sitting in a lounge eating lunch, every GSE space is part of our learning community. As educators, we know that for students to succeed and demonstrate their full potential, they need an environment where they feel safe, seen, valued and respected. Anything less will become an obstacle to learning.
Too often, we hear an insensitive comment, witness microaggressions, or see a racist, sexist or homophobic slur written on a desk or bathroom wall but fail to act. Perhaps we don’t know how to respond or dismiss it as too minor to report. We must remember that no incident is too small as research has shown that such events lead to more significant acts of bias or discrimination. Additionally, they contribute to a harmful, hostile and unwelcoming climate for anyone targeted by those actions and damage our ability to create an affirming, inclusive and just community.