University at Buffalo

Sam Abramovich

Sam Abramovich

Associate Professor


Specialty/Research Focus

Information Science; Achievement; Assessment; Cultural Studies; Cognition; Design and Analysis of Longitudinal Research; Design Experiments; Educational technology; Evaluation; Gamification; Large-Scale Assessment and Research; Learning Design; Measurements; Online and Distance Learning; Qualitative Research Methods; Quantitative Research Methods; Research Design; Research Methods

Contact Information
511 Baldy Hall
North Campus
Phone: 716-645-3174

View CV

Professional Summary:

My research interests include finding and understanding the learning opportunities presented by the intersection of the Learning Sciences and Assessment. This includes research on Micro-Credentials, Neurodivergent Students, Makerspaces, and Open Education Resources - all to help guide education improvement and reform.

Education and Training:
  • PhD, University of Pittsburgh (2013)
  • MT, University of Virginia (2003)
  • BA, Brandeis University (1998)
Recent Publications:
Journal Article:
  • Reed, A., Kong, Y. & Abramovich, S. (2024) Assessment, credential, or both? higher education faculty’s design principles for micro-credentials. Discover Education 3(1), 16.
  • Saplan, K., Abramovich, S. & Wardrip, P. (2024) Analyzing properties of success for assessment development in maker-based learning. Education Technology Research and Development, 72(1), 281-303.
  • McBride, M., & Abramovich, S. (2022). Crossing the boundaries through OER adoption: Considering open educational resources (OER) as boundary objects in higher education. Library & Information Science Research, 44(2), 101154.
  • Baptiste, Y. M., Abramovich, S., & Browne, C. J. (2021). Measuring the value of a digital supplemental resource. Advances in Physiology Education, 45(4), 685-693.
  • Abramovich, S., & Wardrip, P.S. (2020). Can digital badges strengthen religious ethnic-cultural identity in a religious education setting?. British Journal of Religious Education 42:3, 338-349.
Recent Presentations:
  • Bonnette, R., Abramovich, S., Decker, A., & Fabiano, G. A. (2022, March). Building Ecosystems of Belonging for Neurodiverse Students: A Discussion of Instructor Practices and Training Needs. In Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2 (pp. 1192-1192) (Online).;
Recent Grants:
  • BPC-DP: Building Ecosystems of Belonging for Neurodiverse Computer Science Students; Federal; National Science Foundation; Awarded; (10/01/2021-09/30/2024)
  • ALLMs: Assessment for Learning in Library Makerspaces; Federal; Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS); Awarded; (10/02/2018-03/31/2023)
Recent Activities:
Editorial and Review:
  • Editorial Board for Library & Information Science Research
Professional Service:
  • APA Division 15 Early Career Research Grants Committee

Contact Information

511 Baldy Hall
North Campus
Phone: 716-645-3174

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