Department of Information Science Graduate School of Education University at Buffalo 524 Baldy Hall (North Campus) Buffalo, NY 14260–1000 Phone: 716-645-1488
For more information about my research and teaching, please visit my website.
Education and Training:
PhD, University of British Columbia, Library, Archival and Information Studies (2021)
MLIS, University of British Columbia, Library and Information Studies (2016)
BA, Lewis & Clark College, Computer Science and Psychology (2013)
Recent Publications:
Journal Article:
Dodson, S. (2024). Using genres for laboratory work, report writing, and design projects: Comparing second and fourth year undergraduate engineers. Information and Learning Sciences.
Dodson, S. (2024). “Having just the right answer is almost as worthless as not having an answer”: Conceptualizing the information needs of emerging engineers. Journal of Documentation, 80(7), 246–266.
Dodson, S., Sinnamon, L., & Kopak, R. (2024). Mapping the relationship between genres and tasks: A study of undergraduate engineers. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Advance online publication.
Seo, K., Yoo, M., Dodson, S., & Jin, S.-H. (2024). Augmented teachers: K–12 teachers’ needs for artificial intelligence’s complementary role in personalized learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. Advance online publication.
Chopra, A., Mo, M., Dodson, S., Beschastnikh, I., Fels, S., & Yoon, D. (2021). “@alex, this fixes #9”: Analysis of referencing patterns in pull request discussions. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), 385:1–25.
Recent Presentations:
Dodson, S., & Bartley, J. (2024). (Disrupting) continuities between eugenics and statistics: A critical study of regression analysis. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(1), 892–895.;
Montiel, J., Moy, A. Q., & Dodson, S. (2024). Healthcare disparities in telemedicine access and use during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(1), 1036–1038.;
Sinnamon, L., Dodson, S., Li, A., & Hina Shahid, S. (2024). Re-envisioning search education through a critical information literacy lens. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference.;
Dodson, S. (2023). Building expertise with technical information in support of computational literacies: A research project with MLIS students and instructors. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education Annual Conference.;
Dodson, S. (2023). Tracing information use over time: A comparative study of undergraduate engineers. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), 938–940.;
Contact Information
Department of Information Science Graduate School of Education University at Buffalo 524 Baldy Hall (North Campus) Buffalo, NY 14260–1000 Phone: 716-645-1488