University at Buffalo

Seong Won Han

Seong Won Han

Associate Professor


Specialty/Research Focus

Access and Equity; Big Data; Achievement; International Education; Gender, Culture, and Equity; Global Issues; Educational Policy; Higher Education; STEM education; Race, Inequality, and Education; Quantitative Research Methods; Sociology of Education

Contact Information
431 Baldy Hall
North Campus
Phone: 716-645-1080

Professional Summary:

Seong Won Han's research focuses on between-country differences in educational outcomes and policies, with particular focus on teacher quality and inequality in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education in a wide range of nations, including the United States. To address her questions, She uses large-scale international and national data, such as the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) surveys.

Education and Training:
  • PhD, Ewha Womans University
  • PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Sociology
  • MA, Ewha Womans University
  • BA, Ewha Womans University
Awards and Honors:
  • STAR Award for Research; UB Graduate School of Education; 2022-05-13;
Recent Publications:
Journal Article:
  • Han, S., Kang, C., & Weis, L. (2024). Reducing socioeconomic disparities in STEM opportunities? Trends in access to advanced science and math courses in American high schools, 1992-2013. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk
  • Kang, C., Jo, H., Han, S., & Weis, L. (2024). Shattering Monolithic Myths: Gender Gap in STEM Major Selection across Asian American Ethnic Subgroups. British Journal of Sociology of Education.
  • Borgonovi, F., Han, S. W., & Greiff, S. (2023). Gender differences in collaborative problem-solving skills in a cross-country perspective. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication.
  • Han, S. W., Kang, C., Weis, L., & Dominguez, R. (2023). On Track or Off Track? Identifying a Typology of Math Course-Taking Sequences in U.S. High Schools. Socius, 9.
  • Han, S. (2018). Who expects to become a teacher? The role of educational accountability policies in international perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education. 75, 141-152
Recent Grants:
  • Effects of state policy on high school science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) opportunities and outcomes for low-income underrepresented minorities.; Federal; National Science Foundation; Awarded; (08/01/2017-07/31/2024)
Recent Activities:
Editorial and Review:
  • I routinely review manuscripts for a wide variety of top tier journals, including Educational Researcher, and Sociology of Education.
Professional Service:
  • NSF Panelist

Contact Information

431 Baldy Hall
North Campus
Phone: 716-645-1080