Senior Associate Dean, Faculty and Student Affairs & Chief Diversity Officer
Access and Equity; Administration/Management; Cultural Competence and Humility; Diversity; Equity and Poverty; Gender, Culture, and Equity; Leadership; Multicultural Competence; Higher Education; Race, Inequality, and Education; Racism and AntiBlackness; Social Justice; Organizational Change
My scholarship interests, research, and publications generally focus on a social and organizational analysis of equity, access, inclusion, and engagement. I examine the components of a multicultural environments and the necessary, concrete strategies, competencies, evaluation, and practices to create and maintain such campus environments. Specifically, my scholarship focuses on understanding and re-examining the core assumptions, theories, and organizational structures and practices of student affairs. My scholarship has challenged (a) the assumptions of how the field defines professional competence and efficacious practice, (b) the nature of traditional planned change strategies used in student affairs, and (c) the relevance of student development theories for students of color.