University at Buffalo

Ji-Won Son (she/her)

Ji-Won Son

Associate Professor


Specialty/Research Focus

Curriculum and Instruction; Access and Equity; Assessment; Cognition; Curriculum and Instruction; Diversity; Equity and Poverty; ESL/ENL/Bilingual; International Education; Discourse analysis; Mathematics Education; Gender, Culture, and Equity; Immigrant Issues; Educator Preparation; Multicultural Competence; Large-Scale Assessment and Research; STEM education; Race, Inequality, and Education; Racism and AntiBlackness; Multimodality; Social Justice; Problem Based Learning; Standards; Qualitative Research Methods; Quantitative Research Methods; Urban Education

Contact Information
569 Baldy Hall
North Campus
Phone: 716-645-4030

Professional Summary:

Dr. Ji-Won Son joined the Department of Learning and Instruction in August 2013. Prior to that, she spent 5 years as an assistant professor of mathematics education at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Her research centers on the intersection of mathematics education and curriculum and instruction in K-12 contexts. The four main research interests she has developed are: (1) teacher noticing and learning (how pre-service and in-service teachers learn to interpret and respond to student thinking), (2) teacher's curricula noticing and use (how teachers read and use mathematical curriculum and textbooks), (3) mathematics textbook/task analysis (learning opportunities provided to students by curriculum resources), and (4) international comparative studies (whether there is any difference in students’ mathematical learning opportunities and teaching approaches among different countries).

Recognizing the gaps between and among various types of curricula, she has looked for better ways to improve student and teacher learning, especially from a cross-cultural perspective, through her research. Her research aims at identifying the core knowledge and practice for teaching mathematics and improving all students’ mathematical understanding including under-represented students and emergent bilinguals, through project-based learning, storytelling-based approach, and a history-infused curriculum.

Education and Training:
  • PhD, Michigan State University (2008)
Awards and Honors:
  • Book recognition as an anti-racist teaching guide in the context of the 2023 Anti-racist pedagogy symposium; Virginia Tech; 2023-05-28;
Recent Publications:
Journal Article:
  • Hu, Q., Son, JW. & Hodge, L. (2022). Algebra Teachers’ Interpretation and Responses to Student Errors in Solving Quadratic Equations. International Journal of Science and Math Education, 20, 637–657.
  • Betts, A.*, Son, J., and Bang, H-J. (2024). Dismantling deficit-based perspectives of the pre-primary home math environments of African American and Multiracial families. Paper Presented at the 2024 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, April 11-14, Philadelphia: Pennsylvania.
  • Son, J., & Diletti, J. (2024). Exploring the Complex Relationship Between Teacher Concerns and the CCSSM (Common Core State Standards for Mathematics)-Related Curriculum. Paper Presented at the 2024 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, April 11-14, Philadelphia: Pennsylvania.
  • Alli-Balogun.*, & Son, J. (2023). Kindergarten Students’ Mathematics Identity And Parents’ Mathematics Learning Experience: A Phenomenological Case Study. Research Report presented at the 45th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Nevada, Reno.
  • Betts, A.*, Son, J., & Bang, H. (2023). Learning to parent mathematically: critical factors in parent-child math engagement. Research Report presented at the 45th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Nevada, Reno.
Recent Presentations:
  • Sutton, C., * Son, J. (2023, October). Elementary school teacher's mindset in mathematics education. In Lamberg, T., & Moss, D. (2023). Poster presented at the 45th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Nevada, Reno.;
  • Alli-Balogun.*, & Son, J. (2023, October). Kindergarten Students’ Mathematics Identity And Parents’ Mathematics Learning Experience: A Phenomenological Case Study. Research Report presented at the 45th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Nevada, Reno.;
  • Betts, A.*, Son, J., & Bang, H. (2023, October). Learning to parent mathematically: critical factors in parent-child math engagement. Research Report presented at the 45th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Nevada, Reno.;
  • Hu, Q., Son, J., & Hodge, L. (2024, July). How algebra teachers interpret and respond to students' difficulty in writing equations for given parabolas. Research Report to be presented at the 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Sydney, Australia;
  • Betts, A. & Son, J. (2024, July). Parent Perceptions of Their Math Parenting Roles in the Home Math Environment. Research Report to be presented at the 47th Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Auckland, New Zealand.;
Recent Grants:
  • Promoting Equitable Mathematical Experience for Underrepresented Girls; Local; The Cullen Foundation; Awarded; (07/01/2019-08/31/2020)
  • Infusing History into Mathematics Instruction; Foundation and Research Organization; National Council of Teachers of Mathematics–7-12 Classroom Research Grants; Awarded; (06/01/2018-05/31/2020)
  • MAP: Making Mathtalks Productive for English Learners; Foundation and Research Organization; UB GSE Seed Grant: Maximizing External Grant Application Success (MEGAS); Awarded; (09/01/2017-05/30/2018)
  • Fostering Equitable Mathematical Experience: Project-Based Learning for Under-represented Girls; Local; The Cullen Foundation; Awarded; (11/01/2016-12/31/2017)
  • Core Mathematical Knowledge and Cross-cultural Teaching Practices in Algebraic and Functional Relations; Foundation and Research Organization; The Spencer Foundation; Awarded; (09/01/2016-08/31/2018)
Recent Activities:
Editorial and Review:
  • Editorial Board, Journal of Research in Childhood Education (2016 – Present)
  • Editorial Board, Studies of Educational Science (2013 – Present)
  • Editorial Board, International Journal of Education (2013 – Present)
  • American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference (2004 – Current)
Professional Service:
  • Judge, GENIUS Olympiad (Science judging), SUNY Oswego, New York

Contact Information

569 Baldy Hall
North Campus
Phone: 716-645-4030