Associate Professor
Curriculum and Instruction; Access and Equity; Assessment; Cognition; Curriculum and Instruction; Diversity; Equity and Poverty; ESL/ENL/Bilingual; International Education; Discourse analysis; Mathematics Education; Gender, Culture, and Equity; Immigrant Issues; Educator Preparation; Multicultural Competence; Large-Scale Assessment and Research; STEM education; Race, Inequality, and Education; Racism and AntiBlackness; Multimodality; Social Justice; Problem Based Learning; Standards; Qualitative Research Methods; Quantitative Research Methods; Urban Education
Dr. Ji-Won Son joined the Department of Learning and Instruction in August 2013. Prior to that, she spent 5 years as an assistant professor of mathematics education at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Her research centers on the intersection of mathematics education and curriculum and instruction in K-12 contexts. The four main research interests she has developed are: (1) teacher noticing and learning (how pre-service and in-service teachers learn to interpret and respond to student thinking), (2) teacher's curricula noticing and use (how teachers read and use mathematical curriculum and textbooks), (3) mathematics textbook/task analysis (learning opportunities provided to students by curriculum resources), and (4) international comparative studies (whether there is any difference in students’ mathematical learning opportunities and teaching approaches among different countries).
Recognizing the gaps between and among various types of curricula, she has looked for better ways to improve student and teacher learning, especially from a cross-cultural perspective, through her research. Her research aims at identifying the core knowledge and practice for teaching mathematics and improving all students’ mathematical understanding including under-represented students and emergent bilinguals, through project-based learning, storytelling-based approach, and a history-infused curriculum.