Associate Professor
Access and Equity; Curriculum and Instruction; Educational Administration; Educational Leadership; Educator Preparation; Multicultural Competence; Race, Inequality, and Education; Social Justice; School Leadership
Dr. Ian Mette's scholarship focuses on three main areas of expertise, namely 1) technical components of instructional supervision, 2) culturally responsive instructional supervision, and 3) rural educational leadership. With regards to technical components of instruction supervision, Dr. Mette is interested in critiquing the policies of teacher supervision and evaluation models that reinforce accountability standards and deficit-oriented business management practices. Dr. Mette's second area of my scholarship focuses on the development of a framework for culturally responsive instructional supervision. His scholarship serves as the foundation for a more critical perspective on instructional supervision, something that has historically been missing from the supervision field. Dr. Mette's third area of scholarship examines rural educational leadership, increasingly the development of equity-oriented educational leadership in predominantly white rural spaces.