University at Buffalo

Brianna Devlin

Brianna Devlin

Assistant Professor


Specialty/Research Focus

Early Childhood Education; Elementary Education; Cognition; Design and Analysis of Longitudinal Research; Mathematics Education; School and Community Partnerships; Universal Design

Contact Information
North Campus
Phone: 716-645-2455

Professional Summary:

Brianna Devlin earned her PhD in Education from the University of Delaware in 2021, specializing in Learning Sciences. Her research focuses on discovering how to best support children’s early learning to benefit their later understanding of mathematics. She has a specific interest in providing early support for children who may experience difficulties with mathematics learning.

Education and Training:
  • Ph.D., University of Delaware, Education, Learning Sciences (2021)
Recent Publications:
Journal Article:
  • Devlin, B. L., Ellis, A., Zehner, T. M., Duncan, R. J., Elicker, J. G., Purpura, D. J., & Schmitt, S. A. (2024). Contributions of preschool behavioral self-regulation and social skills to growth in different domains of early math knowledge. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 241, 105867.
  • Devlin, B. L., Geer, E. A., Finders, J., Zehner, T. M., Duncan, R. J., Purpura, D. J., & Schmitt, S. A. (2024). Patterns of individual differences in executive functions for preschoolers from low-income backgrounds: Associations with pre-academic skills. Learning and Individual Differences, 114, 102498.
  • Devlin, B. L., Zhang, H., Beliakoff, A., Miller-Cotto, D., Klein, A., & Jordan, N. C. (2024). Profiles of preschoolers’ numerical abilities across quantity representations. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology.
  • Devlin, B. L., Hornburg, C. B., & McNeil, N. M. (2023). Kindergarten predictors of formal understanding of mathematical equivalence in second grade. Developmental Psychology, 59(8) 1426-1439.
  • Devlin, B. L., Paes, T. M., Geer, E. A., Bryant, L. M., Zehner, T. M., Korocu, I., Morse, K., Duncan, R. J., Purpura, D. J., & Schmitt, S. A. (2023). Moving beyond dosage and adherence: A protocol for capturing dimensions of active child engagement as a measure of implementation fidelity of social-emotional learning interventions. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1-15.
Recent Presentations:
  • Devlin, B. L., Geer, E. A., Zehner, T. M., Finders, J., Duncan, R.J., Purpura, D. J., & Schmitt, S. A. (2024, March). Individual differences in executive functions for preschoolers from low-income backgrounds: Associations of profiles with pre-academic skills. Paper presented at the 2024 Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Pasadena, CA.;
  • Ehrman, P., Devlin, B. L., Duncan, R. J., Schmitt, S. A., Purpura, D. J. (2024, June). Longitudinal profiles of early mathematics learners. Paper presented at the 2024 Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society, Washington D.C.;
  • Zhang H., Devlin, B. L., Klein, A., & Jordan, N.C. (2023, June). Exploring individual differences in number sense from kindergarten to first grade using latent transition analysis. In Y. Gliksman (Chair), Applied mathematics in kindergarten and primary school. Symposium conducted at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society, Loughborough, U.K.;
  • Devlin, B. L., Bryant, L. M., Westerberg, L. M., White, A. M., Geer, E. A., Zehner, T. M., Paes, T. M., Duncan, R. J., Purpura, D. J., & Schmitt, S. A. (2023, June). Coding preschoolers’ quantitative and spatial mathematical language-use during block play. In L. Westerberg (Chair), How much and where: Conceptualizing and measuring different types of children’s mathematical language. Symposium conducted at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society, Loughborough, U.K.;
  • Devlin, B. L., Paes, T. M., Geer, E. A., Bryant, L. M., Zehner, T. M., Korocu, I., Morse, K., Duncan, R. J., Purpura, D. J., & Schmitt, S. A. (2023, March). Applying a protocol for capturing young children’s engagement as a measure of implementation fidelity of a semi-structured block play intervention. In B. Devlin (Chair), Unpacking the black box of early interventions through broadened measurement of implementation fidelity. Symposium conducted at the 2023 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Salt Lake City, Utah.;
Recent Activities:
Professional Service:
  • Co-Chair of the Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Trainee Board

Contact Information

North Campus
Phone: 716-645-2455