Hyeonji Jeong


Hyeonji Jeong.

Hyeonji Jeong


Hyeonji Jeong


Research Interests

Music Education; Self-Efficacy; Information and Communication Technology (ICT); Academic Achievement; Satisfaction (Well-Being); Burnout; Comparative Study

Summary Faculty Mentor

I am currently a second-year PhD student in the EPQM program. My research centers on exploring the structural relationships between music education, students' self-efficacy, information and communication technology (ICT) utilization, academic achievement, and overall satisfaction (well-being). Additionally, I am eager to explore the interplay between several factors, including teacher variables such as burnout, well-being, career experience and efficacy. To enhance the depth of my comparative study, I plan to expand my research to encompass both South Korea and the United States, examining the similarities and differences between these two educational contexts. Furthermore, I intend to explore how music-related technology tools can be integrated into the educational landscape to enrich the learning experience and its outcomes. I employ statistical methodologies such as structural equation modeling (SEM) and survival analysis to pursue these research interests.