Peaceful path in the woods.

Self-Care: The Foundation of Well-Being

Self-care is defined as the daily process of being aware of and attending to one’s basic physiological and emotional needs. This includes shaping one’s daily routine, relationships, and environment as needed to promote self-care. Self-care is seen as the foundational work required for physical and emotional well-being, and is associated with positive physical health, emotional well-being, and mental health. Research suggests that steady and intentional practice of self-care may prevent the onset of mental health symptoms, job/school burnout, and improve work and school productivity.

Mindful Self-Care Assessment

Identify areas of strength and weakness in self-care behavior, as well as interventions that serve to improve self-care.

Standard Scale Domains

The scale addresses six domains of self-care: physical care, supportive relationships, mindful awareness, self-compassion and purpose, mindful relaxation and supportive structure.


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