Noyce Residency Scholars

Student studying a plant.

Do you have a passion for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)? Are you interested in making an impact in the lives of children? Consider a career as a STEM teacher. Through the UB Noyce Scholars program, join a network of committed educators working to engage 5th–12th grade students in STEM.

Who should apply?

College juniors and seniors* who are biology, chemistry, math, physics, and/or geological science majors may apply for scholarships of up to $11,000 per year for their first two years and an $18,000 scholarship for a final year of residency in a partner school. Noyce scholars earn their baccalaureate degree in a STEM content area before completing a year-long graduate-level master’s program leading to New York State initial teacher certification. (Students already enrolled in a UB Teach combined science or math BA/EdM program are eligible to apply.)

Graduate students* may apply for a scholarship of up to $20,000 to support a graduate-level program with a 10-month teacher residency in a partner school. Graduate students earn a master’s degree and New York State initial teacher certification.

* Because the funding for the Noyce Scholars Program comes from the NSF (National Science Foundation), Noyce Scholars must have U.S. citizenship or permanent residency in order to receive the scholarship.

What does being a UB Noyce Scholar entail?

Noyce Scholars participate in a range of programs and internships designed to engage scholars in science-oriented community outreach, citizen science initiatives and a network of engaged STEM professionals both within, and outside, the field of education. For undergraduate participants, these programs and internships take place during your junior and senior years and before you begin your fifth year as a master’s level graduate student. For graduate-level participants, these programs take place throughout the course of the 16-month program.

Upon your completion of the program, you will remain connected to the UB STEM Education Consortium (UBSTEMEC), a virtual and face-to-face network that enables and supports a range of initiatives designed to support ongoing professional learning and growth. You will have opportunities to collaborate with expert STEM teachers from the Western New York area as well as program completers who are engaged as teachers in high-need districts. The consortium serves as a hub for ongoing citizen science and civic engagement initiatives, instructional resources and related professional development opportunities.


In exchange for scholarship and stipend support, Noyce Scholars commit to teaching at a high-need school district for two years per year of funding, after completing the program and earning their initial science or math teacher certification.

While the service commitment is to any high-need district in the U.S., please see the list of high-need schools in New York State.

Application process and deadlines

  1. Complete an application.
  2. Participate in a brief interview with the Noyce Scholars Committee are required.
  3. Two essays are required.
    • The UB Noyce Scholars program is designed to prepare learner-ready STEM teachers that create inclusive classrooms where students are engaged in meaningful STEM learning that is connected to community-based issues. Describe what’s prompted an interest in STEM teaching and share two or three ideas you have for reaching students in your future classroom.
    • Describe your interest and/or experiences with urban education. Describe the professional, personal and educational journey that has led you to apply for the Noyce Scholars program. Then, explain why you believe this program aligns with your background and professional goals. Consider the ways in which your own identity and/or background experiences, particularly experiences with people who have backgrounds and experiences that are in some ways different from your own (e.g., socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, sexual orientation, ability), prepare you to teach students from diverse backgrounds.

Application deadline

If you are an undergraduate sophomore or junior interested in applying for the next academic year, the priority application deadline is April 1. Applications will continue to be reviewed until all scholarships have been awarded.

Graduate students should apply before March 1.

The Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program  is a national organization with programs across the country which seeks to encourage talented science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors and professionals to become K-12 mathematics and science teachers. This program provides educational opportunities for  Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students, K-12 Educators.


National Science Foundation Logo.

"This material is based upon work supported by the The National Science Foundation  under Grant No. DUE1758419. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation."