Glossary of Acronyms

This glossary provides a quick reference to the terms, acronyms and abbreviations commonly used by this department.

AAHE American Association of Higher Education

AASA American Association of School Administrators

AAUA American Association of University Administrators

AEFA American Education Finance Association

AERA American Educational Research Association

AESA American Educational Studies Association

ASBO Association of School Business Officials

ASCD Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

ASHE Association for the Study of Higher Education

AVA American Vocational Association

BRIET Buffalo Research Institute for Educational Training (currently called Teacher Education Institute [TEI])

CADEA Collegiate Association for the Development of Educational Administration

CIDEL Committee for Identifying and Developing Educational Leadership

CIES Comparative and International Education Society

CERT Center for Educational Resources and Technology

CPEA Cooperative Program in Educational Administration

EDA Educational Administration

ELP Educational Organization, Administration and Policy

ELP-GSA Graduate Student Association of the Educational, Administration and Policy

GRE Graduate Record Examination

GSE Graduate School of Education

HES History of Education Society

MAT Miller's Analogy Test

NAEP National Association of Elementary Principals

NASSP National Association of Secondary School Principals

NCPEA National Conference of Professor of Educational Administration

NERA Northeast Educational Research Association

NSBA National School Boards Association

NSSE National Society for the Study of Education

NYSCSS New York State Council of School Superintendents

NYSSBA New York State School Boards Association

ELP Educational Leadership and Policy

SAANYS School Administrator Association of New York State

SEA Specialist in Educational Administration

SEA Society of Educational Administrators

SPF Social and Philosophical Foundations

TEI Teacher Education Institute

UCEA University Council for Educational Administration

WNYWA Western New York Women in Administration

WNYESC Western New York Educational Service Council